TANA TORAJA is one of the districts of South Sulawesi, one of the most popular tourist attractions in South Sulawesi province unique and different cultures, ranging from traditional home Tongkonan, funeral ceremony Rambu Solok, Cave Londa Cemetery, Lemo Stone Cemetery, or Baby Cemetery Kambira. The name Toraja was first given by the Sidenreng Bugis tribe who called the inhabitants who live in this area as "Riaja" (people who inhabit the mountains). While the people of Luwu called them, "Riajang" (the people who inhabit the west). Another version says that Toraja from the word "Toraya" (Tau: orang, and raya or maraya: great), this combination of two words gives meaning "great people" or "noble man". The next term that is more often used is the Toraja term, the word "tana" itself means area. Toraja residents and territory was eventually known as Tana Toraja.Masyarakat Toraja adhere to "aluk" or custom wh...