My Last holiday
My Last Holiday
my vacation to my grandmother's house in Ciamis. There I, playing rice field, fishing, playing ball, there I play with the children there. Join me to play pangandaran, there I take a boat, to the white sand.
there I saw a lot of monkeys, deer, and deer, and I went into the cave there is a genital stone, pocong stone, and the tomb of foster children from Nyi Roro Kidul.saya in pangandaran until the day of the turn of the year, there I play fireworks, chicken, fish with my family..and the next day I go back to my grandmother's house again and I spend my vacation time with my friends and family.
And the next day my family and I went back to bandung, and when I've been in bandung, I went to the resort with my friend, my holiday to yhe lodge maribaya, there I enjoy the air is still cool and the scenery is very beautiful.
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